deutsche seite


VST 2.4

VTAPE - The Analog Tape Suite


Return to Analog

VTAPE is a set of three plugins based on a thorough simulation of the famous sound of analog tape machines.

VTAPE Saturator simulates the recording and playback on an analog tape mastering machine.

VTAPE Delay combines this sound with a modern, step sequencer-like tapped delay engine which leads the tradition of the tape echo machines into the 21st century.

VTAPE Flanger simulates the legendary “Tape flanging” effect which can be achieved through the playback of two tape machines running at slightly different speed.

Why and How ?

Why bothering about going back to analogue tape recording knowing that todays digital audio recording is undoubtly more precise in reproducing the original sound ?

Perhaps you already guessed the answer: it´s the imperfection and the technical deficiencies which can add something wonderful to the sound if properly used.

Most emulations of the `tape sound´ focus on the saturation characteristic alone and underestimate the effect of a subtle amount of `flutter´ - high frequency fluctuations of the tape speed. This adds something which is probably the most important part of the special sound: The harmonic lines are "widened" by the effect of frequency modulation due to flutter which causes a 'thickening' of the audio signal contributing to the fat sound of analog, compared to the more accurate, but thin sound of digital. This effect called `Modulation noise´ makes it easier to mix tracks together by removing the static character especially of electric/electronic sounds. It´s interesting to know that many natural instruments have a "built-in" flutter effect which strongly contributes to their sound.

The distortion and compression effects due to the saturation characteristic of magnetic recording depend on the input signal level. With normal recording levels the distortion is around 1% which is away from sounding really distorted but quite audible and adds a pleasant color to the sound. Higher values should only be used as special effect on some suitable tracks dependant on the style of music you´re after.
The saturation is also responsible for the `instant compression´ effect which causes transient signals to be reduced in level. In contrast to a dedicated compressor this one is working with instant attack/release and therefore avoiding the typical pumping artefacts.

VTAPE Flanger

- Manual tape flanging simulation.
- Authentic “through zero” Flanging.
- Unique stereo flanging mode.

VTAPE Saturator

- Realistic tape emulation
- Tape saturation / compression.
- Automatic gain compensation
- Tape hiss
- Wow & Flutter
- Equalizer
- Aliasing free distortion
- Zero latency operation
- Easy user interface “one page only”.


- Based on VTAPE Saturator
- Unique step-sequencer style delay pattern input
- Modern tempo-synced delay with up to 16 taps per channel.
- Independent level control for each tap.
- Stereo rotation effect
- Tap Pad for tempo tapping
- Loop filter Lo/Mid/High
- All parameters tweakable in realtime without clicks
- Zero latency operation
- Easy user interface.

Common features


- Multichannel capabilities up to 10.2 (VST3 / AU / RTAS).

Host compatibility

- VST 2.4
- VST 3
- AudioUnit

Minimal system requirements PC

° Pentium III 600 Mhz processor or Athlon
° 512 MB RAM
° Windows XP / Vista
USB port required for Syncrosoft copy protection device
° 16-bit Soundcard with DirectX/ASIO driver

Minimal system requirements Mac

° PowerPC G4 400 Mhz / Intel Mac
° 512 MB RAM
° Mac OS X version 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6
USB port required for Syncrosoft copy protection device

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Take Five FX bundle offer:

The new Take Five FX bundle contains the five fx plugins BARK,MATRIX,REFLECT,TDESIGN and VTAPE.

FX collection:

Get REFLECT + VTAPE for 32% off.



Saturator: “...can easily be set to sounding rather lo-fi without just sounding like a distortion unit that I sometimes think plagues tape emulators.”

“...the first sounds I made were scary similar to my old tape decks!”

Delay: “Sure, you can dial in a typical quarter note delay, but you can also make all hell break loose.”

Read the full review...

ProToolerBlog February 2008

User comments

..sitting through some mixes using the 'lo-fi' end of the 'VTape' presets I
DEFINITETLY heard something I have not heard before from a 'Tape' plug-in (I own seven now). It is subtle and yet provocative, a true 'virtual', subconcious cue that somehow tape is involved, WELL DONE! (I made my own first recording to tape nearly 42 years ago so I do have some experience in this subject ;-)).

...just sounds so musical. a vtape saturation on my virus TI ....makes the virus sound like it is an analog synth. But the delay is what I like most! The sound and features are awesome.

Audio examples

VTAPE Flanger


Clean Guitar sound with stereo tape flanging


same as above, but without the special stereo effect.



Feedback and tempo tweaked in realtime...

Sequencer like multi-tap delay pattern.

Stereophonic rotation effect.

Hello CANTOR !

Full stop...


Solo Guitar...
1 dry (no effect)
2 with Saturator, 10db Preset
3 with Saturator, 10db Preset and VTAPE Delay
4 with Saturator, 10db Preset and Delay and REFLECT
5 dry
6 full effect

VTAPE Saturator


Clean DI Guitar, successively driven more into tape saturation
(2dB..15 dB).
Peak level is constant.


Tom´s voice first original and then with 6dB tape compression. Same peak level on both, but note the difference in loudness and tone !

Short drum sequence first original and then with increasing  tape compression starting with 2dB up to 15 dB. Same peak level on both, but note the difference in loudness and tone !